It began... in August of 2000. Mox Jet and I had been discussing the idea of the Fantasy Finale Arts Association for months. I realized, of course, that there would need to be a group of people that would aid me in the running of this place; although I do all of the actual design of the site myself, an 'inner circle' of committee members and people I could talk to about possible site changes was vital. The idea of an elite authors' group sprang from this discussion... and the Storm Knights' Guild was born.
The names below were the initial ones chose for this purpose. An elite authors' group, full of respected members of the amateur writing community, and, perhaps more importantly, full of people who I can rely upon in making this site as wonderful as we all want it to be.
Works related to the SKG should be added in updates in the near future.
The Members
(pictures pending)
Knight of the Divine Blade
Highlord of Storm Citadel
Co-Founder of the Guild.
Nightsong's Works
Personal Site
(currently not being updated)
Well, yeah... I'm the boss man. No, I'm not the greatest author in the group, but my Prelude to Destruction series (Xenogears work) has received quite a bit of praise. I founded the Fantasy Finale Arts Forum in August of 1999, and haven't regretted it even once since... the events that it's thrown into motion have been too incredible, even when certain idiots on it pissed me off. I've also designed the entire website you're currently visiting, and keep it updated as often as I have time. I'm told I've got something of a knack for leadership, but you can ask the other Guild members as to whether or not that's true. I also love the arts with a passion, and involve myself in everything from writing (which I want to do professionally) to artwork to composing music.
High Warmaster of the Guild
Mox Jet's Works
Personal Site
The author of the incredible, incredible Planeswalkers Chronicles (available for reading on this very site), and one of my best friends. He helped me conceive the very idea of the Guild, and also came up with the name (well, most of it... all I knew was that a Guild sounded cool to me). Heck, if it wasn't for him, my own Dark Angel series wouldn't exist, and neither would the World of Imagination (not the forum version, the site you should have already visited via the link in the Fiction Library). Witty guy with a gift for leadership... oh, and a hot girlfriend. *blinks* Lord only knows how he gets any writing done.
Guild Songstress
Initial member.
Samara's Works
Samara... is simply the best author of Lunar series fanfic out there. She's also one of our older members (at a whopping 20! w00... actually, that's not old at all), and one of the more thoughtful. If you get her talking, you'll find her very intelligent and nice... just don't invite her into one of the usually insane FFAA Chats (currently hosted over AOL IM... maybe soon they'll be moved to IRC).
High Mage of the Guild.
Initial member.
Sonicblade's Works
Personal Site
You may not know this guy as well as some of the other authors... but make no mistake, he has every bit as much right to be here as everyone else. Sonic, indirectly, is really the reason this Guild even exists... not to mention this site. You see, he wrote me a bit of fanmail, in around March or so of 2000. That in itself may not seem so amazing (unless you consider that he sent me fanmail, but that's beside the point). However, I returned his email with an invitation to the then-defunct FFAA Forum (then the Fantasy Finale Interactive Story Forum)... and he came. And he wrote on the stories. And he invited OTHER people. And when I made him assistant manager, he made the forum much better. Seriously, Sonic here's a great author/artist/composer, and a nice guy to boot.
Initial Member.
Cain's Works
The first fanfiction author I ever read, and owner of one of the longest fics on the 'net (Chrono Continuum is finally finished at 100 Chapters... geez). I've actually known Cain longer than any of the rest of these guys, having met him back before I could write worth a flip on the old Chrono Trigger Interactive Story Forum (now dead). Amazingly, despite his contribution to the world of fanfiction, Cain doesn't act like he's accomplished all that much with his story, which is truly top-notch. Humble to the extreme describes this guy perfectly, believe me. Also, he's a really nice guy, and one of only a few people in the world I can call a best friend.
Archlord of the Spirit Realm
Spirit Master of the Guild
Initial member.
You probably haven't heard of Lynx (unless you know him as Manaspirit, from his online presence on Diablo); but that's just because he's never really written anything for the fanfiction sites out there. He came to the Chrono Trigger Interactive Story Forum back in January of 2000, and instantly rezzed - to use his words - basically every story out there. This led to a very nice three month period where he, Cain, and I would trade posts on basically every one of the stories. And as far as writing goes, Lynx is as good as any of the best fanfic authors on the 'net; certainly just as good as everyone else in the Guild. He's kinda disappeared as of late, but that's just because he started college this year. Nice guy with a great imagination, and some excellent writing skills.