If you do not sign my guestbook I fear I may cry ;_;
Well, okay, so maybe not. But your feedback is definitely appreciated, and it lets me know you're visiting. So ROCK ON and sign. You know you want to.
Hey there, everyone. This is my guestbook. Yes it is.
Yeah. That's a LOVELY index page you have, ser. Yeah. TEACH ME TO MAKE LOVE (once there's more content I'll spam again YAY). k thnx bye
Well, since you asked, I did so. THe sinage is now completeth. Yes. Bask in it's worthlessness, knowing that the site coolness has dropped to previously unrecorded levels from my mere presence. Yes. I like what I see, and I always have enjoyed your writing style. Ima keep readin'.
I don't appreciate your "racist humor" section of your site. I think you ought to take that down. But here's a good joke, while it's still up: How did the Polish mother teach her son how to put on his underwear? YELLOW IN THE FRONT, BROWN IN THE BACK! Honestly Night, this site is great like a pair of velvet pants. And since I'm allergic to velvet, this site is automatically better! Your layout is simplistic, and yet very refined. And I see you pulled a 'Jerm' and made a big 'about me' page. And I ALSO SEE THAT I'M NOT ONE OF YOUR FAVORITE FANFIC AUTHORS! AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHH! Hmmm... How else can I insult your character?.... Well, I guess I can't. Damn you, Nightsong. Damn you and your wicked-bad website layout!
R0XX0R That is all.
I take this moment to point out that boredom is evil, as are YOU for spawning the evil evil evil du-wop mix OF MY POEM. I now have an obsession with your evil du-wop singing. DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU TO HELL. Or something. Anyway. I think if I start any more random babbling, people will develope yet more obsessions over my randomness, so I will shut up now. Oh and Flux .... YOU'RE ALLERGIC TO ME!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! *wails* ....I really should shut up.
'Tis interesting, mine friend. When I have more time I'll give it a better look. Um.... Yeah.... Later.
I really like your new page Nighty! It is spiffytastic!