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This Update's
Featured Artist: Krazy Sam
Features Backlog
Here you should soon be able to find a very diverse collection of artwork, from video games to anime to "fine" art! Actually, we're not quite that diverse yet, though we're getting more artwork in all the time. Your submissions are still very much appreciated; you make the site what it is.
If you'd like to submit a piece of artwork to the FFAA, there are just a few guidelines to keep in mind:
- Submit to this address, with the name of the piece you're submitting and your own name in the subject line.
- All works must be attached in .jpeg or .gif format; others usually tend to be larger/problematic for some computers to view.
- ONLY attach one piece of work per email.
- Keep the file size under 500 K; the space on this site is, at least for the moment, somewhat limited, and I'm on a dial-up modem. Yikes. Also, the committee IS on hotmail... if you try to submit 2 MB worth of work at once, it'll likely get your email rejected by the lovely hotmail server.
- Do not submit any works of yaoi or otherwise pornographic material; they will not be put up on the site, and only serve the purpose of sickening the committee members.
I will try to rank the art gallery members as best as I can, going by quantity and quality of work. The top artists in any given page will be placed in alphabetical order, with the ones below them ranked. At the moment, however, the various sections that will be dedicated to artists have not been created; all artists can be accessed through the index.
Fanart - mostly for anime and video-game based art, this section will probably be the largest in the art gallery.
Original Art - Anything from original anime characters to neo-impressionistic avant garde'... um... whatever can be submitted here.
All artwork is © copyright its respective creator, and cannot be used without the direct permission of said creator.