Greetings; I am Captain Gaul. I served on the Guardia Patrol for many years, but eventually I utilized my talents for writing, made stories about my experiences, then sent some of them off. I understand I don't get a dime for my work. Oh well. In addition to my services as a patrolman, I have also worked as an agent (writing) and a interdimensional explorer, as well as a henchmen of Magus. I'd say that being an agent has paid the best.
My alter ego in your world is named Nicholas Gaul, or occassionally Nobody1225, Crono's Agent, etc. He lives in one of the less well-known suburbs of Denver, and is a high school freshmen. I'm under strict instructions from him not to tell anything else.
Chrono Trigger Fanfiction
A Typical Arrest in Truce Village- My
interpretation of the justice system of the Chrono Trigger world. If you've
played the game up to Crono's escape from Guardia prison, you ought to get a
kick out of this. Written as a police report.
Typical Arrest in Truce Village by Captain
Gaul - June 23rd, 2001.
A Typical Day on Guardia Patrol- The imps are
rioting! Another short, goofy story about Captain Gaul's duties. Written as a
police report.
Typical Day on Guardia Patrol by Captain
Gaul - June 23rd, 2001
Crono's Agent- Do you ever, as a writer, have
conversations with your characters? I do. I even wrote down one of them.
Agent by Captain Gaul - June
23rd, 2001