Chrono Trigger Fanfiction
Chrono Trigger, originally released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System by developer Square, is considered by many to be the greatest RPG of all time. With its incredible story line, great battle system, and cast, it has paved the way for more fanfiction, quite possibly, than any other video game.
Below you'll find the fanfiction works of various authors who think they have a plan for how things should've gone after, or in some cases, before the game. If you enjoy their work, I encourage you to email them and tell them so - and why, of course. One of the main points of this site is to increase the readership of amateur authors, so your feedback is important.
You will also notice that the authors are not in alphabetical order. This is, for the most part, for ranking purposes. We will try our best to make sure that this stays constant, but for the most part, authors toward the top of the list will have longer, and overall better works than authors towards the bottom. This only works to an extent, though. There may not be much variance between the quality of work between author 9 and author 11, but there will probably be a difference between author 1 and author 11. Also, on pages that only boast two or three authors, the difference between them will probably be very limited, quality-wise.
An explanation as to author placement; members of the Storm Knights' Guild are listed separately from other authors, at the top of the list. This does not denote ranking. This separate listing is mostly a 'perk' of being part of the SKG, and their writing is typically going to be the best in the field anyway (with new inductees coming in yearly, this will remain true for quite some time). Below the SKG Authors are listed the top authors (we'll typically use a top ten or top fifteen; it all depends on the amount of fiction on any given subject). These are some of the best and brightest writers, based on hits and such, that you can find for the page you're on .
SKG Authors
Chrono Continuum: Chapters 1-4, 81-100 (finished; middle chapters being
Starcrossed: Prologue and 2 Chapters.
Mox Jet
Chrono Trigger: The Planeswalkers - Notes, 40 Chapters, and Epilogue
Chrono Trigger: Twins of Destiny - Prologue and 8 Chapters.
An Ending: One Part (finished).
I, Magus: One Part (finished).
Son of a Legend, Heart of a Slacker - 4 Chapters.
Parasite: Prologue: Seven Chapters And Notes (Finished).
Parasite: Part One: Fourteen Chapters.
Parasite: Part Two: Three Chapters.
The Story of Magus: Twenty-four Chapters.
Captain Gaul
A Typical Arrest in Truce Village: One Part (Finished).
A Typical Day on Guardia Patrol: One Part (Finished).
Crono's Agent: One Part (Finished).
Sweet Child of Heaven: One Part (Finished).
Dawn Wilkins
Haughty --> Tragedy: One Part (Finished).
The Search For Mama: Prologue.
Back to the Past: Prologue.
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All content in the following sections is © copyright its respective author. Non-original characters (I.E. Magus, Cloud, etc) are © copyright the company responsible for their creation, and are not being used here for profit. All original characters (Darrell, Lathain, etc) are © copyright their creators, and are not to be used without expressed permission by said creators.