I am Flux Capacitor... And I writes the sto'ies 'dat makez the
bitchez drop 'dey pantiez. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll realize that I
don't write seriously a lot... yet SOMEHOW, the fanfic you are about to look at
is not funny at all. It's my ONLY serious story, and some dork named SonicBlade
came to me one day and said, "Hey Flux! I'm gonna submit your serious story to
the -{Insert name of website, because I forgot}- I think it'll get accepted!"
Ahh well, thanks a lot, SonicBlade. I owe my success to the little people in my
life who KIK AZZ!
And as for you, reader... read carefully.
Chrono Trigger Fanfiction
Sweet Child of Heaven - August 3rd, 2001
She, the sweet child born of insanity, will die of insanity.
Final Fantasy VII Fanfiction
Cloud The Schizo - August 8th, 2001
Cloud and Tifa - August 8th, 2001
[Note from Night: A classic/hilarious example of how NOT to write
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